Natasja Fourie photographed and directed this shoot. She posted it to the international fashion magazine, Mirage. They accepted and it will appear in their end of year issue. I am proud to have been the makeup artist and hairstylist.

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Absolutely Hilarious!!!! A man sized cigarette running with a girl and a picnic basket through the bushes. Another day with the team from Giant Films. This ad was made for a Vuka to raise awareness of the wildfires in Cape Town. There are people that volunteer to fight these fires. Great day!

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OLD BUCK GIN-‘winning spirit’

I did this commercial with Giant Films. We shot in an old bank building. It was beautiful. The brief was a boxer that had just finished a fight and won. He had to appear shining/glowing, but also look polished. The extras were all in the background so I just made sure that they all stayed […]

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I wasn’t too stoked with how this shoot turned out, but I really liked the hair. These two pictures are those that you do right in the end when you have the freedom to try some different stuff. Again I learned!!

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This shoot involved one dad and two babies. Why two babies when you’re only going to use one in the final shot? Because that’s how many babies it takes to get that one final shot.They were very cute though!

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